Когда сам Свен скромным инкогнито добрался до Гоа в зимний сезон 91/92, будучи наслышан об этой загадочной и культовой Техно-Мекке, к нему для выражения респектов явился Laurent собственной персоной:
Väth tells me how surprised he was with Goa's hip musical edge when he first visited a few years ago. "One of the first Goa DJs, Laurent, came up and said how much they liked my early, 16-bit recordings. Hardly anybody knows those records!"
"The Goa sound is a very special deep trance," Väth says. "It's a serious thing. These people are not kids, this music is a part of their lives. Now when I produce or DJ in Frankfurt, I try to give the people there this kind of feeling. In India I fill my energy, and in Europe I put it out."
(с) Sampling Paradise, by Erik Davis (Option, no. 61, 1995.).
Laurent French mix: одна из последних вечеринок легендарного и загадочного француза Лорана в Гоа. Full Moon party in Poona, 93/94 season.
Свен с той поры сделался заядлым и активным гоанцем, одним из первых в клубной Европе идеологов и промоутеров Goa Special Music, и, говорят, частенько проводит зимние сезоны в Гоа (а летние – на Ибице).
Впечатления и эмоции, переполнявшие его после первого индийского вояжа, Свен постарался выразить музыкально, и его авторская переработка классического зионовского Транс-хита No Fate неслучайно так и названа: "Back from Goa mix" (Eye Q rec., 1992). Заглавная композиция с дебютного "сольника" Accident in Paradise, 92, – "Авария в Раю" – отсылает к тому же источнику.
Papa Sven in Goa, 1994: накуренный и счастливый :) [photo courtesy of Eddie Gabai.]
На сезон 93/94 Свен возвращается в Гоа уже не просто как partier-тусовщик, но в тяжеловесном ди-джейском всеоружии и с явными "захватническими" намерениями: с комплектом собственной аппаратуры и двумястами килограммами отборного и свежайшего винила от Harthouse/Eye Q (носитель этот, как уже говорилось, в Гоа используется крайне редко).
Однако организованные им вечеринки в самой Индии (в отличие от выездных, экспортных "Гоа-пати" начала 90-х в клубах Европы), по свидетельству очевидцев, к сожалению, нельзя было признать полностью удавшимися, хоть они и послужили неплохим промоушеном для его франкфуртского Техно/транс-лэйбла.
Playing vinyl recordings was never a realistic practice in the heat of Goa as the vinyl would easily warp. Ray Castle [один из крупнейших и наиболее активно действовавших Авторитетов оригинальной Гоа-сцены, Гоа-Dj с 1987-го по 1999-й гг., – прим. моё] remembers (in Cole, 1996a) DJ "Sven Väth coming to Goa with all his records wanting to be the techno pope of India, but he couldn't do it". Castle advises that "you've got to adapt to tape decks and DAT machines to pull off these parties and play for eight hours."
(с) "Goa Trance: A Psykotropic Trip Through Tribedelic Transcapes", by Fred Cole & Michael Hannan, 1996 (http://psytrance.co.za).
Sachi "Shadowdance" Harada – свободная токийская художница и дизайнер, активная участница гоанских пляжных мистерий с конца 80-х и дражайшая половина Рэя Касла – вспоминает свою встречу со Свеном в Гоа в 1994-м г., когда тот без обиняков попросил её написать красочное полотно специально для декораций его Техно-клуба во Франкфурте [речь шла, разумеется, об Omen]. Sachi охотно и мастерски исполнила творческий заказ, преподнеся именитому немецкому "цифровому шаману", клубо- и лэйбловладельцу психоделический холст собственной кисти (причём, что самое курьёзное, даже не подозревая, что перед нею – Sven Väth!)...
Many special Thanks, Grand Merci and Arigato to:
Dave Mothersole, Gil, Laurent, Ray Castle & Sachi Shadowdance for their precious informative support and vivid memories!!
ॐ Aum Namo Narayan! ॐ
HI Durman
ОтветитьУдалитьYour blog is great !!!
I do not read russian.
Do you think it could be possible for you to put an english version of your blog.
I know it's certainely lots of work, but seems to have so much information I would like to know !
Dear Gabriel!
ОтветитьУдалитьMerci beaucoup for your warmest words and such a positive feedback,... but I'm afraid it's TOO kind from your side, actually!! ;)
My English is far from perfection, it should be honestly said, damme!
But I promise to do my best with the requested translation, surely, with my wife's essential help!!
Many thanks for your flattering attention and tip, Master!
Good on you, stay tuned!!
Translated into English, special for you, Master Gabriel!! ->
ОтветитьУдалить"A little-known historical fact: it turns out that all these early things produced by Luca Anzilotti + Michael Münzing + Sven Väth creative team (Off and, especially, 16 Bit) were favorited and strongly loved by the legible "Cyber-hippian", "Shiva-dance" party people far in India, on the beaches of Goa, back to the 80s.
Almost nobody played on a vinyl in Goa, all the music was traditionally rewritten from vinyl to the high-quality metal/chrome tapes (and DATs later, since the early 90s), and then was brought to tropical Asia on these compact cassette media.
When Sven, being heard about that secret & cult Techno-Mecca, had finally arrived to Goa as a humble incognito in the Winter party season 91/92, Laurent himself came up to him to express his respects:
Photo 1: Laurent French mix: one of the last parties ordered by legendary and mysterious Laurent French Goa Dj. Full Moon party in Poona, 93/94 season.
Since that time Sven became one of the biggest ideologists and promoters of Goa Special Music in Europe. It's said that he spends the Winter seasons in Goa quite often, untill now (while the Summer ones – on Ibiza).
He tried to vocalize his emotions and impressions after his very first Indian voyage, so his author's rework of Zyon's classic "No Fate" Trance anthem is called "Back from Goa mix" not casually (Eye Q rec., 1992), on pair with the title theme of "Accident in Paradise" debute "solo" album, 92, which refers to the same source (i.e. Goa).
For 93/94 season Sven returned to Goa not as an ordinary partier, but as ambitious Dj already, fully armed with the obvious "invasive" intentions. He carryed more than 200 kilos of the freshest Harthouse/Eye Q vinyls and his own equipment and the mixing decks with him. But, unfort., the parties organized by him in India, as the witnesses say, weren't really successful (unlike the export Goa-stylized events in the European nightclubs in the beginning of the 90s), although these parties turned into good enough promotion of his Frankfurt-based Techno-trance label, anyway.
Sachi Shadowdance – a free-minded Japanese artist, regular Goa visitor since the late 80s, and Ray Castle's better half – remembers her first meeting with Sven in Goa in 94. He asked her straight from the shoulder to paint a sacral fluoro picture specifically for the decorations of his German club ("Omen" was meant, naturally). Sachi was glad to present her hand-made psychedelic canvas to the eminent "digital shaman" and label owner. The most curious was the fact that she didn’t know whom she was speaking to!"
Thanks !!!!